Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Writing Wednesday - Neat Bookcase

Since I have cleaned up my writing area, I have - sent in a PB submission!

I have been trying to submit every month of this year, I was doing just that until last month. I never submitted anything in August.  But, I got to work and looked in my handy dandy Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market and found a publisher to send in one of my picture books. No good news to report from all my submissions yet, except for my poems, so I will keep trying.

On the last page of Southern Living magazine, they always have a story. I have a story I would like to submit to Southern Living, but I don't know how to go about it. Does anyone know the guidelines and address to send in your story?

My article in Two-Lane Livin' this month is titled, A is for Apple. You can go here and read it. If you have the time, look around at the other articles, too. It is a very good regional magazine and I am happy to be a columnist for Two-Lane Livin'. My friend, Susanna Holstein, also wrote about apples this month. It is kind of neat that we were both on the same wave length. Her article was geared toward adults and mine toward children.

I distribute copies of Two-Lane Livin' in Jackson County. It is uplifting when I meet people and they tell me how much they love the magazine. I now have a 'Buy Now' button on my side bar where you can click and order downloads of it for $2. The download contains lots more than what is on their website.

Everyone knows I love collecting old stuff. I will end my post with a picture of my book case filled with my collection of Little Golden Books. If you look close, you will also see an old Monopoly game, a Snoopy bank and lots of other old children's books.

Guess what the book case is made from -----an old floor model radio. I fell in love with it when I saw it at a yard sale. I think I only paid around $3 for it.

 Happy Writing!


  1. Great articles, Janet!! I've never given thought to submitting a story to a magazine.

    And I really like the bookcase; a collection of Little Golden Books would be so much fun to have. I love hobbies, don't you?

  2. Good look with your writings. it is always fun to read your blog.

  3. Wednesday?~yikes, I've been thinking it was Tuesday all day! Holidays always throw off my calender! I enjoyed your apple article. (I love apple smiles!). I read a few others, too. Suzanne McMinn is always fun to read on CITR.

  4. I don't know the SL guidelines, but try Googling them. If that fails, your library should have a copy of the current Writer's Market, and the guidelines should be included there. Good luck!

  5. It just seems like luck follows you around, I know you will find a way to submit the story too. Look at that cabinet for instance, just beautiful.. Susie

  6. What a lovely way to display your Little Golden books. Good luck with the Southern Living submission.

  7. Good luck! I have a cabinet full of treasures. It belonged to my grandmother and got to Cyprus in one piece.

    I tagged you on my blog. :))

  8. Best wishes for a book contract for that pb, Janet! Your goals inspire me to get back to making some myself.

  9. Good luck on the Southern Living article. I believe you can find the writer's guidelines on their website.

  10. Your writing is great!! And I so want to go yardsaling with you!!!


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