Help! I was going to stop going to yard sales, but I've had a relapse.
Somebody should have slapped my hand before I picked up these 4 beautiful strawberry metal trays for $1 and the McCoy strawberry pitcher and container. (I'm not even sure what the one on the left is, it looks like a canister without the lid. But not knowing what it was, didn't keep me from getting it) They were only 50 cents each, would you have passed them up?
My kitchen is red and yellow, I thought I could use the one on the left to put my larger spoons, egg turners and the such in. And I'm sure I could find a use for the other one, too. Maybe put flowers in it. . . what do you think? Or, hey, I could use it for what it was intended to be used for and put some water or other beverage in it.

And, even though there are no babies in my family, I couldn't pass up this beautiful hand quilted and embroidered baby quilt. It was only $2 and I love it. Did you notice in the upper left hand corner the dog is turned a different way? I've heard somewhere that the Amish would put a mistake in their quilt on purpose. I wonder if this was done on purpose or if it was a mistake?

I love cloth tablecloths. This is not an old one, but I liked the fruit pattern on it. It was only 75 cents.

And, last but not least, I got these for a quarter at the thrift store today. Fire King custard cups with a wheat pattern on them. I love the wheat pattern dishes. I will put these in my kitchen cabinet and use them.

Well, what do you think? Do I need to go to rehab? I put back a lot more than I bought. I think I did good and bought some useful items for what little I spent.
It is a hard habit to break, but I'm working on it.