Some people are list makers and some people are not. Which are you?
I tend to fall into the non list maker category. But when I do make lists, I usually get things done. When I see that list staring me in the face, I will do at least some of the items on it. It feels good to be able to mark off my accomplishments.
So, my first New Years Resolution is to make lists!I will put a list on the refrigerator and I will put a list on the wall in back of my computer.
1. I want to lose 10 pounds. This may sound easy to a lot of you, but for me, it seems the older I get the harder it is to lose weight. If I could just shut my mouth every time I'm around sweets, I should be able to succeed. When I'm hungry (or not), I grab the easiest thing in front of me to eat, which means a cookie or a piece of candy. I love sweets and night time snacking.
2. I want to get the garage and attic cleaned out and organized. We have a two car garage and couldn't get one small car in it if we tried. So in this freezing cold, snowy weather we have to park the cars outside.
3. Travel more. I may be able to accomplish this since my husband just retired. I love traveling in West Virginia and the surrounding states.
That's not very many resolutions, so maybe I'll be able to keep them.
I have some writing resolutions, also, but I will post about them on my other blog.
We were not able to see the 'blue moon' because of the cloudy weather. Did any of you get to see it?
I wish everyone a Happy New Year.