I love vintage linens and I have many. Too many! I thought I would show you a few of them.
Here are some of my embroidered pillow cases.
I just got this recently, I think I paid 25 cents for it. It is a small embroidered table cloth with red flowers in each corner.
I had an old table cloth of my mothers. It was in very bad shape and had holes everywhere. I made a teddy bear with it, now I can look at it every day and think of my mother. This is better than storing it away in a drawer and never seeing it, don't you think?
I have also made tote bags out of old table cloths.
Here are two I love. The one on the left is a dish towel and the 'poodle' one is a table scarf. I am amazed at the work people put into these.
I also like old hankies. If you have a lot and can stand to cut them in half, you can make these pretty angels out of them.
I hope you enjoyed looking at some of my old linens.