Well, we've had new carpet put in our bedroom, so we've been moving big, heavy furniture and painting for the last three days.
So, I thought I'd take a walk in the yard to see what's been growing besides the grass while I've been inside working.
Here are these pretty yellow flowers, whose name escapes me at the moment, that grow in front of my front porch. They have just started to bloom.

And, our apple trees have little apples. . .
On the way to the garden are the grapes and blackberries. Here I have berries that have grown beside of the grape vines.
Here is the path between the blackberry plants. I was down there this morning on my hands and knees pulling weeds. You can see them piled up in the middle of the row. I hate pulling weeds!
A few weeks ago I put grass clippings around one row of the berries, hoping it would slow weed growth. It did help some, but as you can see, poison ivy is very hardy and grew back.
The bees were enjoying the flowers on the blackberry plants. If I had a dime for every bee down there I could take you all out to lunch!
I caught a butterfly enjoying herself, also.
My spirea are beautiful right now,

. . . and so are my daisies. Did you ever do He loves me, He loves me not with daisy petals when you were a child?
There is a mommy bird that chirps, chirps, chirps at me when I'm down there. She has a nest full of babies and she's telling me I'd better not dare get near them. Here she is up my old pine tree. Do you know what kind of bird this is? You might have to click on her to get a better look. She's little and has a black head. Maybe a chickadee?
When I reached the garden I found that since our second try at potatoes weren't up yet, the potato bugs decided to lay their eggs on our tomato plants. This is what they looked like before I smashed them. I hate potato bugs!
Last, but not least, I continue to look for arrowheads each time I visit the garden. I didn't find any, but I did find some pieces of flint. No doubt scraps from making arrowheads around the campfire at night.
Hope you enjoyed our little stroll through my yard.