Saturday, March 23, 2019

Squirrels Have Found a Home

A while back we built a duck house. Click here to see my post about it.

I would love to see baby ducks diving out of the hole into the creek, but our local ducks have yet to set up housekeeping in it.

But our squirrels have been checking it out.

Last week we saw them dragging house-building materials into the house opening. This is okay with us. If the ducks don't use it, the next best thing would be the squirrels.

I took a few pics this morning.

Viewing the countryside  from on top

Down we go!

Bye - Bye

We call this our Flintstones Table.

scurrying away

You'd think they were flying squirrels

I've read that squirrels have babies twice a year - in the spring and summer.