Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Are you watching the Olympics?

I must admit I have been watching the games for many years. It took a little while to get used to the alternating years. They used to have the summer and winter Olympics in the same year - not two years apart.

What is your favorite winter event?

I love the ice skaters, especially the women and men's singles events.
It is beyond me how they can do all of those jumps, spins, twirls and jumps without falling.

I remember Peggy Fleming from the 1960s. I went to You Tube and watched a few of her winning performances. She was so graceful.
Here is a link to one of the videos.
I also loved Dorothy Hamill. She was in the 1976 Olympics.
Here is a link to one of her videos.
They have advanced so much since the 1960s and 1970s, though. The skaters are now doing triple and quadruple jumps when they used to do doubles.

Can any of you ice skate?
I've never been on ice skates in my life, but I have roller skated - just not very well.


  1. I don't have a lot of interest in them, or in sports generally. I know that they say it isn't about winning, it's about personal best, but to me it seems to be all about winning. Still, the skating is absolutely gorgeous, and the luge is downright terrifying! We don't watch (no TV) but catch snippets here and there.

    1. I don't watch much sports, either. I do like to watch the Mountaineers, tho.


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