We have had a weird spring and, therefore, got a late start to our garden.
But it is coming along nicely now.
We planted our beans and the rain fell. A few days later the plants popped out of the ground.
These are our tomato plants. We planted three dozen plants. We already have tomatoes the size of large marbles.
We got a late start on our sweet potatoes.
But they are coming along.
Our peas are taking off!
This is one of our five rows of red potatoes.
This is not my garden.
These are my two rows of blackberries.
I am keeping my fingers crossed. They have not did well at all the last 2-3 years. I pruned them big time this spring and they have took off! But, this doesn't mean the vines will not die on me, like they have the past few years.What do you have growing in your garden?